Types of Fossils

In paleontology fossils can be of many types as explained below –

Body fossils :-

These are well preserved entire organism, unaltered and altered hard parts and naturally formed moulds and casts (+ vs and -ve impression) are called as body fossils.

Chemical fossils :-

These are well preserved paleo-proteins and amino acids (paleo-biochemistry) and structures from recrystallization and carbonation (distillation) process are grouped as chemical fossils.

Trace fossils :-

Footprints, trails, burrows and tubes, coprolites and fossilized eggs are termed as trace fossils (ichno fossils). They have long temporal range and narrow facies range. They also occur in non-fossiliferous rocks.

Derived fossils :-

Fossils whose original home was in some older bed and have different means of preservation or content of matrix distinguishes them from the contemporaneous fossils with which they may be mixed are termed as Derived/ Reworked fosslis.

Living fossils :-

Fossils which range form ancient time upto the present day without any change in their character are known as Living fossils.

Remanie fossils :-

Organic materials which have been rolled and abraded, accumulating over a considerable period before their deposition are termed as Remanie fossils.

Facies fossils :-

Dissimilar assemblages of fossils which are controlled by environment and restricted to certain sedimentary environment are known as Facies fossils.

Pseudofossils :-

Certain structures of sedimentary or tectonic origin which resemble fossilized organic remains are termed as pseudo fossils. The elegant plant like dendritic manganese hydroxide marking are best known example of pseudo fossils. These structures are not to be confused with any organic markings. Such marking as observed in sandstone formations of Vindhyan rocks in Central India.

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