Type Specimen (Fossils)

  • Holo-type :- The original author of a genus should always name one typical specimen as the most perfect genus and it is called “Holotype“.
  • Syn-type :- If more than one specimen is used for the above purpose they are called “Syntype“.
  • Para-type :- While describing a single type of holotype, the author refers other specimens or figure with them with holotypes, these additional specimens are termed as “Para-type“.
  • Lecto-type :- It is a specimen originally designated as a syntype but subsequently singled out as the definite type specimen for a species.
  • Neo-type :- When the original holotype, lectotype or syntypes are lost or destroyed, it becomes necessary under stringent conditions to replace them with a new specimen which is known as “Neotype”.
  • Topo-type :- A specimen of a species from the same locality as it’s holotype or syntypes is a “Topotype“.
  • Meta-type :- A topotype recognised by the original author as belonging to his species acquires additional value and is called “Metatype“.
  • Pleisto-type :- Type specimens for re-descriptions of existing species are known as “Pleistotype“.
  • Peno-type :- It is the physical expression or characteristics of that trait, two organisms that have minutest difference in their genes are said to have different genotype. Genotype is the set of genes in DNA which is the particular trait.
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