Stages of Diagenesis of Sandstone

On the basis of mineral replacement and intergrowths, four oxide series are recognized among the sandstones –

  1. alumina, lime-magnesia, iron oxide
    • Reactions : hematite + calcite + Mg siderite + ferro-dolomite + dolomite
  2. silica, lime-magnesia, iron oxide
    • Reactions : hematite + clay minerals + silica + chlorite + greenalite
  3. silica, alumina, iron oxide
    • Reactions : diaspore + silica clay minerals
    • diaspore + silica + k-glauconite + clay minerals
    • during late burial illite + Na + K + Ca = muscovite + biotite + feldspar
  4. silica, alumina, lime-magnesia
    • Reactions : illite or glaauconite = chlorite + muscovite
    • calcite + Mg + illite = micas + feldspar + dolomite
    • deep and late burial; clay minerals = chlorite or sericite,
    • k-feldsapr = sericite ; plagioclase = chlorite + chert

Stages of diagenesis

From the type of reaction and the principal sequence of occurence three stages of diagenesis are established as follows –

  1. Redoxomorphic : which dominates the episodes of deposition and early burial. Reactions principally are reduction and oxidation which form the basis for the name of the stage.
  2. Locomorphic : Involves replacement of one mineral by another, the two minerlas not entering into mutual reaction. Such reactions aretypical of the early burial stage and are an important part of the process of lithification.
  3. Phyllomorphic : Follows the principal locomorphic replacements and involves development of micas, principally from clays.

Among sandstones, the progress of diagenesis may be arrested at either the locomorphic or phyllomorphic stages, in more or less parallel fashion to metamorphic grades. Also, the phyllomorphic stage overlaps the zeolite and chlorite grades of metamorphism.

Reactions in sedimentary diagenesis

Redoxomorphic stage
(Reversible reactions)
Locomorphic stage
(Replacement reaction)
Phyllomorphic stage
(Unidirectional reactions)
Fe+2 = Fe+3aragonitic by calciteclay minerals = muscovite or biotite
hematite + calcite = sideritecalcite by dolomitemontmorillonite = chlorite
hematite + calcite + Mg+2 = siderite + ferro-dolomite + dolomitecarbonates by quartz or chertclay minerals = chlorite
hematite + chlorite = chamosite feldspar by carbonatesclay minerals + chert = chlorite
hematite + illite = glauconitequartz, chert, clay minerals by carbonatesclay minerals + Fe+2 = biotite
bauxite + silica = kaoliniteopal by chert or quartzkaolinite + glauconite or illite + Mg+2 = chlorite + K+
diaspore or boehmite + silica = claysilica solution = chert or quartzglauconite = feldspar
bauxite + hematite + silica (minor) = clay minerals + pyrite illite or glauconite = chlorite + muscovite
kaolinite + K+ = illitekaolinite + illite + glauconite + calcite + Mg+2 = muscovite + biotite + feldspar + dolomite+ chlorite
biotite = glauconiteillite or glauconite + calcite + Mg+2 = micas + feldspar + dolomite
feldspar = clay minerals + chertfeldspar = scricite
glass = montmorillonite + chert plagioclase = chlorite + chert
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