Olivine Group

Olivine is the mineral group crystallizes first during the magma cooling as per Bowen reaction series.

It has the general formula X2SiO4 , where X = Fe, Mg, Mn and Ca. with charge of +2.

  • All olivine minerals crystallizes in the orthorhombic system.
  • Olivine found primarily in igneous but can also found in metamorphic rocks.
  • Olivines are olive green and brown in color.
  • They are silicates from ortho/nesosilicate group.

Structure –

Olivines are nesosilicates which consists of isolated tetrahedra of SiO4 linked together by means of metal cations.

Metal cations has 6 nearest oxygen neighbours.

Si : O ratio is 1 : 4

Imp minerals –

  • Forsterite – Mg2SiO4
  • Fayalite – Fe2SiO4
  • Olivine – [Mg, Fe]2SiO4
  • Monticellite – CaMgSiO4
  • Tephroite – Mn2SiO4

Olivine solid solution –

Because there is similar ionic radius and ionic charge of cations. olivines make a complete solid solution series between Forsterite and Fayalite, Fayalite and Tephroite.

The intermediate members between Fayalite and Forsterite are – Forsterite – Crysolite – Hyalosiderite – Hortonolite – Ferrohortonolite – Fayalite.

Reactions –

  • Olivine reacts with silica to form pyroxene, thats olivine and silica can not found together.
  • Olivine alters into serpentine [antigorite].
  • In basaltic rocks olivine alter into outer iron-rich layer of brownish red mineral called Iddingsite.
  • Metamorphism of dolomite can form Olivine.

Mg2SiO4 + SiO2 = 2MgSiO3 [olivine to pyroxene]

Fe2SiO4 + 5Mg2SiO4 + 9H2O = 3Mg3Si2O5[OH]4 + Mg[OH]2 + 2Fe[OH]2 [Olivine to serpentine]

2CaMg(CO3 )2 +SiO2 = Mg2SiO4 + 2CaCO3 +2CO2 [metamorphism of dolomite to forsterite]

Physical and Optical Properties

Physical properties

  1. color – olive green, pale green, brown
  2. form – massive granular and prismatic
  3. streak – colorless
  4. lusture – vitreous
  5. hardness – 6-7
  6. fracture – conchoidal
  7. cleavage – absent
  8. crystal system – orthorhombic

Optical properties

  1. Color – colorless
  2. Paleochroism – non-paleochroic
  3. RI – high
  4. Relief – High
  5. Bireferengence – strong 3rd order
  6. Extinction – straight
  7. Alterations – generally present

Variety – Peridot is the gem variety of olivine. used in ornamentation.

Mode of occurance –

  • In ultramafic rocks like dunite, peridotite.
  • common association of minerlas are chromite, spinel, pyropemetc.
  • metamorphic rocks as dedolomitisation.


  • https://hotcore.info/babki/olivine-mineral-structure.htm
  • Research gate -for phase diagram image
  • GB.Mahapatra ‘ A Textbook of Geology’
  • John D Winter – Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
  • Dexter Perkins – Minerology

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