Common minerals : Diopside, Hedenbergite, Augite etc.
- Crystallographic axis : a ≠ b ≠ c , a^b = 90o, b^c = 90o, a^c ≠ 90o
- where,
- c = vertical axis, b = ortho axis, a = clino axis
- Characteristic Symmetry elements :
Classes of the System
- Normal class / Gypsum type (a : b : c = 0.69 : 1 : 0.41, β = 80o42′)
- Plane of Symmetry : 1
- Axis of Symmetry : 1 axis of 2 fold
- Centre of Symmetry : Present
- Hemimorphic class/ Tartric acid type
- Plane of Symmetry : no
- Axis of Symmetry : 1 axis of 2 fold
- Centre of Symmetry : no
- Clinohedral class/ Clinohedrite type
- Plane of Symmetry : 1
- Axis of Symmetry : no
- Centre of Symmetry : no
Unit forms of Normal class :
Form | No. of faces | Miller Indices |
Basal pinacoid ‘c’ pinacoid | 2 | 001 |
‘a’ pinacoid Front pinacoid Ortho pinacoid | 2 | 100 |
‘b’ pinacoid Side pinacoid Clino pinacoid | 2 | 010 |
Prism | 4 | 110 |
Hemi macrodome | 02 (2) | 101 |
Clinodome | 4 | 011 |
Hemi pyramid | 4 (2) | hkl (111) |