Jurassic of Kutch

Mesozoic rocks of kutch were deposited in rift basins that developed during the Late Triassic (Rhaetian). The basin was filled with syn-rift Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sediments and post-rift Late Paleocene to Pliocene and Quarternary sediments. The Mesozoic marine sediments show characters of siliclastic ramp, carbonate ramp, storm dominated shallow shelf carbonates, and fine grained siliciclastic of mid-shelf.

The marine sequence are exposed in three sub-parallel linear ridges. The Jurassic sequence of rocks are subdivided into four formations as Patcham, Chari, Katrol and Umia. The sequence is overlain by Bhuj formation that is made up of mainly fresh water sediments of fluvio-deltaic environment that are interconnected with marine beds. The whole succession is overlain unconformably by Deccan Trap and Tertiary marine sequences. The Mesozoic rocks contain sills and dikes of basic igneous rocks that are genetically related with the overly Deccan Traps.

Aptian – AlbianUmiaMarine sandstone
Bhuj beds
Ukra beds
Barren sandstone and shales
Trigonia beds
Ammonite beds
Oxfordian – TithonianKatrolUp. Katrol sandstone
Mid. Katrol sandstone
Lo. Katrol shale
Belemnite Marls of Jurum
Kantkote sandstone
Callovian – OxfordianChari or HaboDhosa Oolite
Atheleta beds
Anceps beds
Rehmani beds
Macrocephalus beds
Bathovian – CallovianPatchamCoral Beds
Shelly Limestone
Kaur bet bed

The Umia formation is overlain by the umia plant beds. The plant fossils show a great relationship with those reported from the Jabalpur Formation of the Upper Gondwana Group. Occurrence of Dinosaurian remains are reported from here. The bioturbated sediments of the Bhuj Formation have preserved ichnofacies, skolithos, such as Planolites and Thalassinoids.

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