IIT JAM 2024



The value of φ (phi) of a sediment grain having a diameter of 0.125 mm is ……….. (In integer)

phi (ϕ) = – log2d

we can write it as, d = 2

0.125 = 2

1/(2*2*2) = 2

2 = 1/8 = 2-3

ϕ = 3 Ans.

The vertical separation of a displaced horizontal stratum along a dip-slip reversefault is 10 m when measured on a section perpendicular to the fault-strike. If the dip of the fault is 30⁰, the net slip of the fault will be ……………. m. (In integer)

The dips of the normal and overturned limbs of a horizontal-overturned antiform are 30⁰ and 70⁰, respectively. The interlimb angle of this fold is ……… degrees. (In integer)

In a mineral with formula KAl3Si3O10(F0.5OHx), the value of ‘x’ is ………… (Round off to one decimal place)

The atom percent of Fe in pyrrhotite of composition Fe0.77S is ……….. (Roundoff to two decimal places)

Consider the univariant metamorphic reaction Albite = Jadeite + Quartz. The minimum number of chemical components required to describe the composition of all the phases is …….. (In integer)

For the univeriant metamorphic reaction F = 1

No. of compoents = C

No. of phases = 3 [albite, jadite, quartz]

According ot Gibbs phase rule , F = C – P + 2

1 = C -3 + 2

C =2 Ans.

The mean flow velocity of water in an open channel having an average depth of 0.2 m, and with Froude Number 4, is ……….. m/s. (Round off to one decimal place) (Use g = 9.8 ms-2)

Froud number = Inertial force / Gravitational force

Froud number = V / √ gd

4 = V/ √ 9.8*0.2

V= 4*√ 1.96

V = 4*1.4 = 5.6 Ans.

An aquifer has a cross-sectional area of 10 m2 and a hydraulic conductivity of 0.25 cm/s. The volume of water that will flow per second through the aquifer for a hydraulic gradient of 0.04 is …………… cm3. (Round off to three decimal places)

Darcy’s law [Q] = KIA

Where, Q = flow volume

K = hydraulic cunductivity

I = hydraulic gradient

A = cross sectional area = 10m2 = 10000cm2

Q = 0.25*0.04*10000 = 100cm2 Ans.

The geothermal gradient in the continental crust is 0.02 ⁰C/m. If the surface temperature is 25 ⁰C, the temperature at a depth of 18 km from the surface is
………. ⁰C. (In integer)

The area of a triangular block of a massive orebody is 1500 m2. If the thickness of the orebody is 5 m, 6 m and 7 m at the three corners of the triangular block, and the ore density is 2.5 tons/m3, the estimated ore reserve of the block is ……….. tons. (In integer)

Clinopyroxene crystallizing from a basaltic magma has Sm concentration of 24 ppm. If the clinopyroxene-melt partition coefficient for Sm is 1.2, the concentration of Sm in the basaltic magma will be …………. ppm. (In integer)

The lithostatic pressure at a depth of 36.5 km in the continental crust having an average density of 2800 kg/m3, is ………….. GPa. (Round off to the nearest integer) (Use g = 9.8 m/s2)

The fraction of 2411𝑁𝑎 atoms remaining after a decay interval of 5.0 hours will be ………….. (Round off to three decimal places) (Use t1/2 = 15.0 hours)

The thickness of a dipping coal bed measured along a vertical drill hole is 15 m. If the dip of the coal bed is 30⁰, the orthogonal thickness of the coal bed is
………. m. (Round off to the nearest integer)

The mole fraction of forsterite in olivine with MgO = 29.17 weight %, FeO = 34.65 weight % and SiO2 = 36.18 weight % is ……………. (Round off to two decimal
places) (Use molecular weight, in g/mol, of MgO = 40.31, FeO = 71.85 and SiO2 = 60.00)

A partially saturated soil sample has a volume of 1200 cc. The volume of water present in the sample is 300 cc. The mass of solid in the sample is 1908 g and the particle density is 2.65 g/cc. The porosity (n) of the soil sample is ………….. %. (In integer)

A rock element during deformation, experienced a pressure change of 5×104 N/m2, due to which its volume changed from 4 cm3 to 3.9 cm3. The bulk modulus of the rock is ……….. ×106 N/m2. (In integer)

For an anisotropic crystal of thickness 0.04 mm and refractive indices of 1.636 and 1.486 along the slow and fast directions, respectively, the retardation
produced is ………… nm. (In integer)

An orebody contains pyrite and chalcopyrite in the same molar proportions. The percentage concentration of Cu in the ore will be ……………… (Round off to the
nearest integer) (Use atomic weight, in g/mol, of Cu = 63.55, Fe = 55.85, S = 32.06)

In the given isobaric binary temperature-composition (T-X) phase diagram involving solids A and B, the fraction of melt remaining at point Q for a magma
having initial composition P will be …………… (Round off to one decimal place)

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