Continental Flood Basalts

Flood basalt is formed by an eruption or series of eruptions of large volcanic episodes that cover vast stretches of land or ocean floor with flows of mafic igneous rocks (basalt lava flows). A flood-basalt province is popularly known as Trap (Deccan Traps in India). Some major flood basalts provinces are as follows –

NameApproximate volumeAgeLocation
CRB1.7*105 km3MioceneNorthwestern United States
Keeweenawan4*105 km3PrecambrianLake Superior area
Deccan8.6*106 km3Cretaceous-EoceneIndia
Parana> 106 km3Early CretaceousBrazil
Karroo >2*106 km3Early JurassicS. Africa
Siberian3-5*105 km3Late Permian – Early TriassicSiberia

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