Gondwana S.G. (Damodar, Satpura, Mahanadi & Godavari basin)

Gondwana Supergroup is made up of continental sediments that were deposited in fluvial and lacustrine basins in different parts of the Indian Peninsula. This deposition begins from Late-carboniferous/ Early Permian (300 Ma) and continued until the Early Cretaceous Epoch (100 Ma). Lower part of the Gondwana sequences contain rich coal deposits. Barakar formation is the […]

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Biostratigraphy deals with the classification and correlation of rock strata based on their fossil contents. Fossils help in assigning relative ages to stratigraphic units can be correlated with different parts of the world. The biostratigraphy is based on the concept that there is evolutionary changes in the flora and fauna which if unidirectional. These animals

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North Singhbhum Mobile Belt [NSMB]

The North Singhbhum Mobile Belt (NSMB) is a multiple folded, low to medium grade meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks of Proterozoic age (1.0–2.4 Ga) sandwiched between the Archaean (>2.4 Ga) Singhbhum Craton in the south, and the Meso/Neo-Proterozoic (0.9–1.7 Ga) Chotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC) in the north by north-dipping ductile shear zones. Clastic sediments with minor volcanics comprising the

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Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSP)

“A Stratotype or type Section is a geological term that names the physical location or outcrop of a particular reference exposure of a stratigraphic sequence or stratigraphic boundary.” Classification of Stratotypes : GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Point) A GSSP is an internationally agreed upon stratigraphic section which serves as the reference section of

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