Pyroxenes are formed either direct or by the reaction of olivine with quartz.
- It has the general formula W(X,Y)Z2O6,
- where W = Ca, Na
- X = Mg, Fe+2, Mn, Li
- Y = Al, Fe+3, Ti
- Z = Si, Al
- Pyroxenes are belongs to the Single Chain Ionosilicate Group.
- Pyroxenes are crystallizes in Orthorhombic system [orthopyroxene], in monoclinic system [clinopyroxene].
- They have characteristic prismatic cleavage angle 87 and 93 degree.

Structurally Pyroxenes are single chain inosilicates, where silicate tetrahedra are linked in a single chain. One oxygen of each tetrahedra is shared with the neighboring tetrahedra to form a long chain.
Each chain is separated by cations like iron, magnesium, calcium etc.
The result in Si : O ratio of 1 : 3, and the net charge per silicon atom is (–2). In pyroxene, the one divalent cation (2+) per tetrahedron balances that –2 charge.

All pyroxenes show perfect {110} cleavage. When viewed looking down the c-crystallographic axis, the cleavages intersect at near 90o angles (the angles are actually 92 – 93o and 87 – 880)
Important minerals –
- Orthopyroxene –
- Enstatite – (MgSiO3)
- Hypersthene – (Mg, Fe)SiO3
- Ferrosillite – (FeSiO3)
- Clinopyroxene –
- Diopside – CaMgSi2O6
- Hederbergite – CaFeSi2O6
- Augite – (Ca, Mg, Fe+2, Fe+3, Al)2 (Si, Al)2 O6
- Pigeonite – (Ca, Mg, Fe)2 Si2O6
- Other pyroxenes –
- Aegirine (Acmite) – NaFeSi2O6
- Jadeite – NaAlSi2O6
- Spodumene – LiAlSi2O6
- Johannsenite – CaMnSi2O6

Physical properties –
- Color – nearly black to green
- Form – prismatic
- Streak – colorless or grayish black
- Lusture – Sub-vitreous, hypresthene shows metallic lusture
- Cleavage – two set 87 and 93 degree
- Fracture – uneven
- Hardness – 5-6.5
- Sp. Gravity – 3.2-3.5
Optical Properties
- Color – Pale green
- Habit – subhedral to euhedral
- Cleavage – perfect 87-90 degree
- Paleochroism – paleochroic [except in enstatite]
- RI – high [Biaxial +ve]
- Cross nicol – anisotropic
- Interference color – 1st order gray
- Extinction – parallel
- Color – pale green
- Habit – subhedral to euhedral
- Cleavage – perfect 87-90 degree
- Paleochroism – Paleochroic
- RI – higher than canada balsam
- Cross nicol – anisotropic
- Interference color – 2nd order
- Extinction – Inclined at 45 degree
Alteration – Orthopyroxene alter to serpentine or fibrous amphibole. Augite alters to chlorite/ hornblende.
Varities –
- Diallage – Translucent and is fibrous augite.
- Omphacite – It is a member fo clinopyroxene intermediate between Jadeite and Augite. Foliated diopside, found in Eclogite facies.
- Kunzite – A gem variety of Spodumene
- Hiddenite – Emrald green spodumene. gem variety.
Occurances –
- Opx occurs in basic and ultrabasic rocks as well as high grade metamorphic rocks. It is present in Charnokite and Norite.
- Cpx occurs in ultrabasic rock such as peridotites and basic rock like gabbro and basalt.
- In metamorphic Limestones we find diopside, hedenbergite.
- Aegirine occurs in soda rich igneous rocks such as nepheline syenite.
- Hypresthene occurs in charnokite.
- Spodumene foun din pegmatite and is good source of Li.