Algae and Fungi

The algae and Fungi belongs to the plant category Thallophyte that doesn’t contains seed and are also devoid of vascular system –

  • Both have eukaryotic sell.
  • Asexual reproduction by fragmentation.

The study of Algae is called PHYCOLOGY.The study of Fungi is called MYCOLOGY.
The algae normally has chlorophyll and autotrophic in nature,They have heterotrophic mode of nutrition
Algae always needs water or a water source nearby, along with sunlightFungi feed on the dead and decayed matter and do not require sunlight and chlorophyll
Some of the fungi are parasite

Lichens :

although there are significant differences between both algae and mildew, there are organisms that form a symbiotic relationship with algae and fungi. These are the hybrid versions of both these organisms called Lichens, that can produce their own by the process of photosynthesis.

Quick facts of Algae and Fungi :

  • An astronaut can get protein food, water and oxygen by sowing the chorella algae in the tank of aircraft so chorella is known as “space algae”.
  • Rhizopus is a fungi commonly known as “bread mounld”.
  • Lichens developing on rocky substrate are called saxicolous. These are first organism colonies on bare land.
  • Yeast is unicellular fungi reproduce through budding.
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